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1 Month Weight Loss Diet and Exercise Plan

We want you to feel better than ever in your body—and our 30-day slim-down challenge can help you get there. Follow along with our weight loss challenge calendar that includes seven of the biggest fat-burning exercises out there (yes, including burpees), and watch as trainer and Instagram fitness sensation Anna Victoria demonstrates how to perfect these powerful moves. Who better to push you to reach your full potential than the creator of The Fit Body Guides? You'll repeat each exercise weekly, adding reps as you go along. Combine these mega moves with our healthy eating tips that challenge you to make small changes throughout the month, and you'll feel a serious difference when these four weeks are up. Yes, you absolutely can lose weight in 30 days.

For the best possible rewards from this weight loss challenge, you can't have one (exercise) without the other (healthy diet). So, to see serious success, complete the fitness challenges simultaneously with our tips to get your diet in tip-top shape.

Weight Loss Exercise: Plyo Push-Up

Start on the floor in a palm plank. Push into palms to explode body off floor (feet stay planted), clapping hands if possible. Land in start position with elbows soft. Repeat.


Weight Loss Exercise: High-Knees Sprint

Run in place, pulling your knees toward your chest and vigorously pumping bent arms.


Weight Loss Exercise: Speed Skater Lunge

Standing, jump right foot to right, bending left leg and crossing it behind right to land in a deep lunge with right leg bent 90 degrees and on ball of left foot, leg slightly bent (keep butt as low as possible). Reach left arm across body to touch floor in front of right toes (to make it easier, touch right shin or just reach right). Switch sides; repeat. Continue quickly alternating sides.


Weight Loss Exercise: Jump-Switch Lunge

Standing, lunge forward with left foot, bending knees 90 degrees. Jump as high as you can, swinging arms overhead and switching legs in air. Land with arms by sides and right foot forward, immediately bending knees. Continue quickly alternating sides.


Weight Loss Exercise: Pilates Teaser

Lie faceup on floor with knees bent over hips and arms extended up with palms facing each other to start. Roll upper body up and extend legs until you're sitting, body forming a V shape with arms parallel to legs. Pause, then slowly roll upper body back down, one vertebra at a time, keeping legs in the air. When your shoulders reach the mat, return to start position. Repeat. Continue slowly.


Weight Loss Exercise: Squat Jack

Standing, drop into a squat, bringing fists in front of chest with elbows bent at sides. Jump feet wide, straightening legs and swinging arms out to sides and up to meet overhead. Continue quickly.


Weight Loss Exercise: Burpee

From standing, crouch and plant palms on floor. Jump feet back to plank (keep abs tight), then lower chest and thighs to floor. Press up to plank, then jump feet toward hands. Lastly, jump as high as you can (make sure feet are under shoulders before you launch), clapping hands overhead. Continue quickly.


30-Day Slim-Down Challenge

10 High-Knee Sprints + Lose the Blame

Losing weight isn't about blame or shame. So cast those feelings aside right away. Don't put too much pressure on yourself—that only makes it harder. (Here's why and how you should stop feeling guilty about food.)

10 Jump-Switch Lunges + Set S.M.A.R.T Goals

Goal setting is crucial to any achievement, but when it comes to weight loss in 30 days you want to focus on making large goals (and mini ones within that) specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-based. Start a weight loss goals list. (Here's a full guide on how to set a SMART goal.)

10 Squat Jacks + Ditch Added Sugar

Sugar is lurking in unsuspecting places (think: juices and dressings), and many people are already consuming way too much. All that extra sweetness adds up to an increased risk for heart disease. So, it's time to say goodbye! Sorry, but it wouldn't be a weight loss challenge without a little sacrifice. (This app can help you see how much added sugar is really in your food.)

10 Burpees + Avoid Refined Carbs

Nutritionists suggest being a little stricter with your diet in the beginning, but the truth is, refined carbs are diet disasters you'll be happy you ditched. These quick-digesting carbs offer none of the fiber and nutrients you'd get from their unrefined cousins and can cause blood sugar spikes and belly bloat. (Wait, what are refined carbs vs. natural carbs you ask? Here's the difference.)

10 Speed Skater Lunges + Put Down the Drink

Don't freak out! You can slowly incorporate a glass of wine back into your diet here and there, but if you're serious about results from this 30-day weight loss challenge, it's important to cut out alcohol completely for now—it can wreck your fitness goals. (Read up on alcohol and weight loss and how alcohol affects your fitness performance.)

10 Pilates Teasers + Plan One Splurge

By planning ahead for your treat or snack of choice each week during the weight loss challenge, you'll be less likely to overindulge or binge. (That's exactly why treating yourself is the number one secret for a healthy diet.)

10 Plyo Push-Ups + Allow Spontaneous Indulgence

Cravings happen, and while you shouldn't give in to every one, you can cut yourself some slack to give in to temptation once a week (within reason of course) during this 30-day weight loss challenge.

20 High-Knee Sprints + Keep Grains In Check

It can be tempting to fill up on whole grains because hey, they're good for you, but there is something called too much of a good thing. Calories are calories no matter how you serve them. Limit whole-grains to three servings a day. (Example A: quinoa is a great example of a healthy, but high-calorie food.)

20 Jump-Switch Lunges + Eat Only When Hungry

Sounds pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised how often you mindlessly munch just because you're bored, stressed, or for no reason at all. Ask yourself if you're actually hungry next time you reach for the bag of pretzels.

20 Squat Jacks + Go for a Walk

Speaking of eating out of sheer boredom—any well-intentioned diet's worst enemy—when you start to feel antsy and temptation sets in, head outside and take a walk around the neighborhood instead.

20 Burpees + Never Skip Breakfast

Start your morning with a high-protein, high-fiber breakfast. Eating a substantial meal (or at least a balanced one) throughout this weight loss challenge will set you up for more control and limit overindulging throughout the day. (Try any of these healthy, high-protein breakfast ideas and recipes.)

20 Speed Skater Lunges + Say No to Junk Food

Even the strongest of willpowers are no match for the greasy junk food black hole. Studies show that junk food has an addictive quality that leaves you constantly wanting more… and more.

20 Pilates Teasers + Nix Processed Foods

Processed food, which is often high in saturated fat and refined starch or sugar can cause inflammation that disrupts hormones responsible for telling your brain you're full—aka you'll eat a lot more. (You should know, however, that not all processed food is bad, and frankly, not all bad food is processed—know the difference.)

20 Plyo Push-Ups + Shop for Whole Foods

You're wiping your diet slate clean of junk and processed foods, so fill the void with clean whole foods. Think veggies, fruit, lean protein, and healthy fats. Spend most of your time around the periphery of the grocery store where fresh produce and dairy is shelved.

30 High-Knee Sprints + Meal Prep

Whether it's knowing what's on the menu from breakfast through dinner or actual prep work like cutting, chopping, and packing meal, planning ahead is your secret to success. You'll be much less likely to make a pit stop at the vending machine or grab a burrito for lunch. (This 30-Day Meal Prep Challenge covers all the basics.)

30 Jump-Switch Lunges + Reorganize Your Pantry/Fridge

Don't "store" food on the counter—put cereal boxes away and keep bread out of immediate sight. Experts say you'll eat what you see. On the other hand, healthy snacks and fresh fruits should be kept at eye level or in plain view so they're convenient to grab throughout this weight loss challenge. (Here's how to organize your whole kitchen for weight loss.)

30 Squat Jacks + Keep a Food Journal

Jotting down exactly what you eat each day has long-been known to have eye-opening effects on food decisions, and food journals are a part of almost every weight loss challenge. It's a great way to identify nutritional holes in your diet, as well as noticing a late-night snack session that's setting you back from reaching your goal. (Next up: 6 Things Your Food Journal Can Tell You.)

30 Burpees + Ramp Up Protein Intake

If you're feeling sluggish or aren't seeing the results you'd hoped for, take a look back at your food journal. You may be falling short in the protein department. Incorporate more lean meats like turkey and chicken as well as tofu, legumes, and leafy greens. (FYI, this is how much protein you need.)

30 Speed Skater Lunges + Put Veggies or Fruit on Every Plate

Lacking in the produce department? Make room for veggies at every single meal—in scrambled eggs, on a sandwich, as a side dish or main course. Research says the more fruits or veggies make an appearance on your plate, the fewer calories you'll consume overall.

30 Pilates Teasers + Know Your Healthy Fats

It wouldn't be called a well-balanced diet without some healthy fats, but the key word here is healthy. Fats from olive oil, avocados, and nuts will fill you up and give you the biggest bang for your nutritional buck.

30 Plyo Push-Ups + Keep Portions In Check

You know just the right size for a grilled chicken breast, but what about less obvious items? Extra calories from salad dressings, for example, can quickly add up, so instead of thoughtlessly pouring dressing on a bed of greens, portion 1-2 tbsp. in a small bowl first.

40 High-Knee Sprints + Track Total Calories

While it's important to know that everyone's required calories for weight maintenance and weight loss are different, one thing that's true across the board if you want to drop pounds: calorie expenditure should exceed calorie intake. This is the ultimate weight loss challenge. Around 1,500 calories a day is an average sweet spot for weight loss.

40 Jump-Switch Lunges + Eat at the Table

Experts say you can easily underestimate daily calories due to forgotten snacks or meals you ate while standing. So even if you don't have lots of time, take a seat at the table and have a real meal as you make your way through this weight loss calendar—promise you'll enjoy your food so much more.

40 Squat Jacks + Eliminate Distractions

Eating when you're distracted results in consuming a significant number of extra calories a day, according to research. Turn off the TV and leave the smartphones on silent—both of which are easy ways to get closer to your goals during this weight loss challenge.

40 Burpees + Slow Down

Research found that women who ate lunch more attentively consumed 30 percent less when they snacked later. Tricks to keep in mind: Smell your food, chew it slowly, and don't put another bite on your fork until you swallow. (Follow these steps to eat mindfully.)

40 Speed Skater Lunges + Downsize Your Dinnerware

Swap serving spoons for the regular size, and you'll dish out about 15 percent less, according to research. Trimming the size of your plate also helps keep portions in check—plus the same amount of food looks larger on a smaller plate, which can be especially helpful with weight loss in 30 days.

40 Pilates Teasers + Bust Out the Scale

The scale doesn't have to be scary. Weighing in every day has been shown to help people lose more weight, and keep it off long term. Aim to step on the scale at the same time each day throughout this weight loss challenge for the most accurate results.

40 Plyo Push-Ups + Reduce Sodium

Still feeling the wrath of your skinny jeans? Hey, we've all been there—and salt could be to blame. Sodium is bloat's BFF, and can cause the scale to fluctuate unfairly due to water retention. Cut back, and be aware of the less obvious salt-traps like cereal and salad dressings as you make your way through this 30-day weight loss challenge.

50 High-Knee Sprints + Sleep 7+ Hours

Logging less than the recommended seven hours of ZZZs can not only make you irritable and groggy, but lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your weight loss goals. Hormones that control hunger skyrocket, and those that tell the brain your full are suppressed. Double whammy!

50 Jump-Switch Lunges + Cut 100 Calories

In the beginning, you felt lighter and the scale agreed, but now you're standing stagnant—what gives? Battle the dreaded plateau by cutting an extra 100 calories or so a day—now that you've lost some weight, your body simply doesn't need as much fuel. (It's one of the most important things for lasting weight loss.)

1 Month Weight Loss Diet and Exercise Plan
